Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • HdR: Josef Sivic, “Visual recognition of objects, people and places”, École normale supérieure Paris.


  • Licence : J. Ponce, “Introduction to computer vision”, L3, Ecole normale supérieure, 36h.

  • Master : I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic (together with C. Schmid, Inria Grenoble), “Object recognition and computer vision”, M2, Ecole normale supérieure, and MVA, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, 36h.

  • Master : I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic (together with Z. Harchaoui and J. Mairal, Inria Grenoble and F. Bach), Cours PSL-ITI - Informatique, mathématiques appliquées pour le traitement du signal et l'imagerie, 20h.

  • Master: I. Laptev, course “Visual object recognition and localization”, SkolTech, Moscow, January 2014, 30h.

  • Doctorat: I. Laptev, Tutorial on human action recognition, CVPR'14 tutorial “Emerging topics in human activity recognition”.

  • Doctorat: I. Laptev, course “Visual Recognition: Objects, Actions and Scenes”, University of Trento, Italy, July 2014, 20h.


  • PhD in progress : Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, “Structured learning from video and natural language”, started in 2014, I. Laptev, J. Sivic and S. Lacoste-Julien.

  • PhD in progress : Mathieu Aubry, “Visual recognition and retrieval of 3D objects and scenes”, started in 2011, J. Sivic and D. Cremers (TU Munich).

  • PhD in progress : Piotr Bojanowski, “Learning to annotate dynamic video scenes”, started in 2012, I. Laptev, J. Ponce, C. Schmid and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Florent Couzinié-Devy, started in 2009, J.Ponce.

  • PhD in progress : Guilhem Chŕon, “Structured modeling and recognition of human actions in video”, started in 2014, I. Laptev and C. Schmid.

  • PhD in progress : Théophile Dalens, “Learning to analyze and reconstruct architectural scenes", starting 1 Jan 2015, M. Aubry and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Vincent Delaitre, “Modeling and recognition of human-object interactions”, started in 2010, I. Laptev and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Warith Harchaoui, “Modeling and alignment of human actions in video”, started in 2011, I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Vadim Kantorov, “Large-scale video mining and recognition”, started in 2012, I. Laptev.

  • PhD in progress : Maxime Oquab, “Learning to annotate dynamic scenes with convolutional neural networks”, started in Jan 2014, L. Bottou (MSR), I. Laptev and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Guillaume Seguin, “Human action recognition using depth cues”, started in 2010, I. Laptev and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Matthew Trager, “Projective geometric models in vision”, started in 2014, J. Ponce and M. Hebert (CMU).

  • PhD in progress : Tuang Hung VU, “Learning functional description of dynamic scenes”, started in 2013, I. Laptev.


  • PhD thesis committee:

    • Antoine Fagette, UPMC, 2014 (I. Laptev, rapporteur).

    • Ivo Everts, Amsterdam University, 2014 (I. Laptev).

    • Piotr Bilinski, University of Nice, 2014 (I. Laptev).

    • Laurent Sifre, Ecole Polytechnique, 2014 (J. Sivic).

    • Omid Aghazadeh, KTH Stockholm, 2014 (J. Sivic).

  • HDR thesis committee:

    • Josef Sivic, ENS Ulm, 2014 (J. Ponce).

    • Herve Jegou, Université de Rennes, 2014 (J. Ponce).

  • Other:

    • Member of the PSL Research Council, 2012- (J. Ponce).

    • Member of the Mathematics and Systems Unit AERES evaluation committee at Mines ParisTech, January 2014 (J. Ponce).

    • Member of the faculty selection committee, Université de Marne la Vallée, 2014 (J. Ponce).

    • Head, AERES committee in charge of CMLA's evaluation at ENS Cachan, 2014 (J. Ponce).

    • Member of the ESF/FCT evaluation committee for Portuguese research centers, 2014 (J. Ponce).

    • Member of the AERES evaluation committee at Ecole Centrale de Paris, 2014 (I. Laptev).

    • Member of the Inria postdoc selection committee, 2012- (I. Laptev).

    • Member of Inria Commission de developpement technologique (CDT), 2012- (J. Sivic).